Jan. 2023
I’m asking my soul how hard is it to love yourself in your last life in this realm? I’m gaining momentum moving towards my goals but then my body holds me back with illness or disability. It’s a constant learning process and my nervous system gets tired sometimes. I’m learning to embrace this dance… two steps forward and one step back.
I’m happy to be creating art and then I’m sad because I’m lonely.
Back and forth.
Round and round I go.
One day I’m just happy to be dancing! But then the next day I’m begging for a place to hide from the pounding music and the flashing lights of this world.
I’m going crazy and then I’m at peace.
I’m opening my heart to the most important person in my life … me. I’m working on accepting my disability that keeps me locked inside myself and desperate to fly free into the world of the speaking. One day I pray my acceptance will hold. Until then on and off the merry-go-round I step.
It’s a whirlwind of emotions and sometimes I just want to get off and rest my weary mind and body for a moment. I imagine a little spot in the desert where I can rest in the sand and gaze up at the heavens and contemplate all the beings who cycle through life on this planet.
We all face the struggle of self acceptance and self love throughout our time on Earth. When our essence releases from our corporeal bodies we become pure love awaiting our next contract on this plane of existence. In this suspended form we accept ourselves completely because we see
we are all connected. We play in time and space as free souls who are only love.
The most dangerous liaison we live is our relationship to self. Always judging ourselves to be more, do more and fight harder. I’m asking you to love yourself for your essence, which is the same as everyone else’s essence in the heavens.
Self love is the best gift you can give yourself because it opens your heart to love as easily as a mother loves her child in the moment she gazes into his soul.
No matter your ability in this life, you are capable of love for yourself which is love for all.