Open Mon to Fri: 10am to 4pm, Sat: Noon to 4pm


Acquisition Mandate

The mandate of the archives of the Kitimat Museum & Archives is to acquire, preserve and make available to the public records of enduring value to the District of Kitimat, the Kitimat Valley and the traditional Haisla territories.

The Kitimat Museum & Archives is very grateful to those who donate objects to its collection - tax receipts are available for income tax, capital gains or corporation tax liabilities when donating an object to the Kitimat Museum & Archives.

Donations are accepted in consultation with the Curator and the Acquisitions Committee, Museum Board of Directors. The Board governs the Museum following Canadian museum standard policies and procedures.


The mission of the Kitimat Museum & Archives is to foster among residents and visitors a deeper appreciation and understanding of the natural splendor of the Kitimat area, the civilization of its indigenous inhabitants and the subsequent history of its settlements and development as a unique community; and to offer Kitimat residents a window on the world of art, science and history.


The mandate of the Kitimat Museum & Archives is the natural and cultural history of the Kitimat Valley, associated coastal regions and the interior affected by the Kitimat Project. The Museum shall exercise its mandate for Haisla heritage and culture only on a basis of consultation with the Haisla people and the Kitamaat Village Council, and respect for their aspirations for repatriation and control of their heritage. The Museum’s cultural history mandate includes the contemporary culture of Kitimat residents and the Museum’s participation in that culture through exhibitions of art, science and history from around the world.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Kitimat Museum & Archives is to collect, document, preserve, study, display and interpret to residents of the Kitimat area and their visitors the natural and cultural heritage of the Kitimat region, together with associated coastal and interior areas, from its geological origins through to present-day and future development; And to display and interpret to Kitimat area residents temporary exhibitions of the art, science and history of as wide a spectrum of times and places as possible.

All Rights Reserved, Kitimat Museum & Archives. The Kitimat Museum & Archives is located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Haisla Nation.