Open Mon to Fri: 10am to 4pm, Sat: Noon to 4pm

The following videos are available to view at the Museum

The Kitimat Museum & Archives does not hold copyright and is unable to make copies or share.


Kitamaat Village/c̓imáuc̓a (ca. 1946-47): Footage contains scenes of the Kitamaat Village Band playing, schoolchildren, May Day activities (soccer, high-jump, tug of war, canoe races and foot races), and the Kitimat River eulachon harvest, taken in 1946 by Hubert R. Evans. Anna Evans, Hubert’s wife, was invited by Guy Williams to Kitamaat to teach. They stayed two and a half years in Kitamaat.

Nechako Survey  (ca. 1950s): This historical film showcases the early years of the original Kitimat Project

 Prelude to Kitimat (1953): This historical film is a dramatization of the early years of the original Kitimat Project.

Powerline to Kitimat (1955): This historical film is a dramatization of the development of the Aluminium Company of Canada, Kitimat, BC

• Kitimat Story (1957). Viewable only at the Museum

 Generator Four (1958): Film is a dramatization of the construction of the fourth generator at the Kemano hydro-electric power plant in Kitimat

• Power Among Men, Reel 4 (1959):
“Power among men is the first feature-length film to deal with the idea and purposes of the United Nations. It is a film about two forces which coexist in humankind: power to build; power to destroy. Man prides himself on being the builder of civilizations. But he cannot deny that he is an equally effective destroyer. Not a new thought, but where does it lead in our time? Will there always be a new building, new survival?
Kitimat, Canada – We watch men move mountains, channel rivers, carve rich life from a northern wasteland. To a bright, prosperous community in the wilderness come men and women from 31 countries. They arrive with the assurance of good jobs, good living even luxuries rich reward for moderate effort. This is man at his most felicitous. Surely no destructive force can emerge here. But man, materially prosperous, suddenly sees warning of another kind of destruction, one that can threaten even the most secure undertaking – man’s inability to get along with his own kind.” More information on the film’s release

• Kitimat – Port to the World (1963) Viewable only at the Museum

Man with a Thousand Hands (1952): This short 1952 film documents the construction of the Aluminum Company of Canada’s (Alcan) massive power development project, which diverted the Nechako River at Kemano into a hydroelectric powerplant inside of a mountain, which would provide power for Alcan’s smelter in the newly created town of Kitimat in the Kitimat Valley. The film features the use of heavy machinery, including Harvester International’s TD 24 tractor

• Kitimat – A New Generation (1979). Viewable only at the Museum

• Mining, Kemano Style. Viewable only at the Museum

• Kitimat – Kemano – Aluminum (1988). Viewable only at the Museum

• Kitimat – Kemano: New Dimensions (1991). Viewable only at the Museum

Totem: The Return of the G’spxgolox Pole (2003): This feature-length documentary traces the journey of the Haisla people to reclaim the G’psgolox totem pole that went missing from their British Columbia village in 1929. The fate of the 19th century traditional mortuary pole remained unknown for over 60 years until it was discovered in a Stockholm museum where it is considered state property by the Swedish government.

Director Gil Cardinal combines interviews, striking imagery and rare footage of master carvers to raise questions about ownership and the meaning of Indigenous objects held in museums.

Totem: Return and Renewal (2007): In this follow-up to his 2003 film, Totem: the Return of the G’psgolox Pole, filmmaker Gil Cardinal documents the events of the final journey of the G’psgolox Pole as it returns home to Kitamaat and the Haisla people, from where it went missing in 1929.


All Rights Reserved, Kitimat Museum & Archives. The Kitimat Museum & Archives is located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Haisla Nation.