Open Mon to Fri: 10am to 4pm, Sat: Noon to 4pm

Come Join the Kitimat Museum!

Your membership helps fund exhibitions and programming.

All Members receive:

  • A 15% discount on workshops and regular-priced Gift Shop items.
  • Invitations to receptions, openings, and special events.
  • The Museum’s quarterly newsletter notification.
  • Voting Privileges*.

*Voting members, in good standing, can have a vote at the Annual General Meeting on constitutional/bylaw changes and financial statements, as well as the opportunity to join the Board of Directors (Pending approval by the Museum Board of Directors).

Corporate Memberships

  • 1 - 10 Employees $ 25.00
  • 11 - 49 Employees $ 50.00
  • 50 - 99 Employees $ 90.00
  • 100+ Employees $125.00
 Single  Family  Senior (65) /Student
1 year $ 9.00 $ 14.00 $ 6.00
3 years $ 24.00 $ 40.00 $ 15.00
5 years $ 40.00 $ 60.00 $ 25.00
This category is open to adult individuals. This membership is entitled to all the benefits.
This category is open to adult individuals who are full-time students of an education institution. This membership is entitled to all the benefits.
This category is open to individuals who have attained Senior Status as outlined in Province of BC Statutes (65yrs). This membership is entitled to all the benefits.
This category is restricted to a group of individuals consisting of one or two adults and one or more minors residing at the same address. Each individual of this membership is entitled to all the membership benefits.
This category is restricted to a registered organization. Applications for corporate membership shall include the appointment by the organization of one of its members as their representative in the Society. The representative will hold title to the membership benefit on behalf of the Member.
All Rights Reserved, Kitimat Museum & Archives. The Kitimat Museum & Archives is located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Haisla Nation.