Feb. 2022
“Mind the step” they always say to me. My greatest support in this life is all the people who love me. All my life I’ve been surrounded by love. My parents, my grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins, friends, teachers, the list goes on. Love is the glue that holds the world together.
Every time you see someone you love, hit them with a little love bomb. Imagine an energy beam reaching out from your heart and wrapping them in a cocoon of loving light. They might not register it but it impacts their energy for a while. If you choose to meditate you can increase the strength of your love bombs and you can create positive loving changes in this world without saying a word.
If you know me, now you can wonder how many times I’ve love bombed you over the years. LOL.
Shout out to Ms. Meeds who needed extra love bombs teaching my crazy kindergarten class! Teaching us was not for the faint of heart. LOL!
This piece is about the energy I receive from all the people who lift me up when I’m down and help me reach higher than I thought I could. I can’t imagine a life without love surrounding me like a pulsing, living entity.
I’m constantly battling my own self doubts and just when I’m needing a surge of strength to face a challenge I feel a powerful wave of love carry me forward to the next epiphany. I can do this because I am surrounded by love.
Like a beating heart pushing blood through the circulatory system, there is no end and no beginning. Only love as a constant.