Kitimat Turns 70
News Release by the District of Kitimat *********************************** Kitimat celebrates 70 years of incorporation Kitimat BC, March 22, 2023 — The District of Kitimat is wearing its party hat as it celebrates 70 years since incorporation. Incorporated on March 31, 1953, the District was established to provide housing and services
Opening Reception: Freda Diesing School Mar 3 at 5pm
The Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art Student Exhibition opens Friday, March 3, 2023, at 5 p.m. in the Upstairs Gallery of the Kitimat Museum & Archives. First and second-year students learning traditional First Nations art will be showcasing their paintings and prints, for viewing and sale. Artists and instructors will
Spring Break Multicultural Programs
Spring Break Fun! Registration opens Wednesday, March 1st, 2023 at the front desk. The 2023 Spring Break Multicultural Programs will run from March 20th to 31st, 2023, at the Kitimat Museum & Archives. These programs are for kids ages 3 to 9 years of age, with 3 to 5-year-olds
Opening Reception for Leaving the Crossroads
Join the Kitimat Museum & Archives for an opening reception of Leaving the Crossroads, an art installation by Kitimat artist Lahonna on Friday, January 13th, at 7:30 p.m. Leaving the Crossroads – Personal Process, Experimentation and Developing Visual Language is an art installation of collage and mixed media drawings; a
Job Posting Art Workshop Assistant
[This posting is now closed] An Art Workshop Assistant is needed by the Kitimat Museum & Archives to assist the Art Instructor deliver Museum in the Classroom Art Workshops in local schools as well as the homeschool community. Working with the Instructor, the Assistant will be responsible for preparing supplies
Job Posting Manager Collections Programming
Application Deadline Extended to Friday, December 9, 2022 Permanent, full time job posting at the Kitimat Museum & Archives Manager, Collections and Programming Permanent Full Time Background The Kitimat Museum & Archives is a progressive community museum operating a small two-floor multi- purpose facility for community and natural history and
Presentation – Vision for a Shared Facility Revealed
Donald Luxton & Associates, D. Jensen & Associates Ltd, and Kinexus Consulting, are coming back to Kitimat with exciting updates to present! VISION for a Shared Museum Facility Revealed Join the Kitimat Museum & Archives for an evening of light snacks and refreshments. New and exciting updates of the shared facility