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Feedback on Shared Facility Opportunity

The Kitimat Museum & Archives has created an information page on its website outlining an opportunity for a shared facility between Haisla Nation Council and Kitimat Museum & Archives.  The public can find the Kitimat Museum & Archives Strategic Plan 2020-2030 and Executive Summary for review, and a form for anyone wanting to send feedback.  At this time statistical information is not being collected– the purpose of presenting this page is to begin a dialogue in our two communities.

For more information contact the Kitimat Museum & Archives at 250-632-8950 or email


On April 27, 2021, the Kitimat Museum & Archives’ Strategic Plan 2020-2030 was presented before Haisla Nation Council. Council voted unanimously to explore a shared facility.

A shared museum facility between the Haisla Nation Council and the Kitimat Museum & Archives is a critical opportunity. The Museum and Haisla Nation have worked together over the past 52 years. The Museum is aging and has critical space issues, unable to expand on area history and culture. The Haisla Nation is in the process of identifying cultural belongings in collections around the world, to eventually bring them home to Haisla Territory. A place will be needed for storage and display. A draft Memorandum of Understanding between the Museum and Haisla Nation Council will soon be reviewed by the Haisla Language and Culture Authority.

Go to the Shared Facility Feedback Page