Open Mon to Fri: 10am to 4pm, Sat: Noon to 4pm

Double Vision by Kathy Ouwehand and Murray Minchin

Photography of North Coast BC

This photography exhibition is on display from Friday, October 14th to November 18th, 2022.

Join us for an opening reception on Friday, October 14th, 2022, at 7:30 pm in the Upstairs Gallery to meet the photographers and refreshments.

Local photographers Kathy Ouwehand and Murray Minchin began gathering the images for this exhibition via completely different paths that have converged in this exhibition ‘Double Vision’.

Ouwehand and Minchin have photographed from just north of Cape Caution to the Estevan Group on Hecate Strait, up the mainland inlets from Klemtu to Prince Rupert, as well as on road trips and local hikes.

Despite sometimes standing shoulder to shoulder while photographing, their images are quite different. It is these differences that are explored in Double Vision.

The second floor is lift-accessible.




Kitimat Museum & Archives

The Kitimat Museum & Archives opened in October 1969 and has served Kitimat citizens for the past fifty years as the place for community and natural history, and an exhibition centre for visual arts.

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